Let’s take a word from dictionary, herbicide. Herbicide is a chemical that is used to destroy plants. How are you going to remember the meaning? You might start reading,
Herbicide is a chemical that is used to destroy plants.
Herbicide is a chemical that is used to destroy plants.
Herbicide is a chemical that is used to destroy plants.
Herbicide is a chemical that is used to destroy plants.
Herbicide :chemical - destroy plants
Herbicide :chemical - destroy plants
Herbicide :chemical - destroy plants
This is an ordinary way to remember. This is one word, you might remember it fast. What if you are given 25 words? How much time you take to memorize the words? How much time you take to memorize it, is an issue. Another issue is how long can you remember it?
Let’s see down here.
Herbicide = herb + icide
Herb is plant. And icide, let us make become suicide. So, imagine in brain, the herb uses its grasses, to take the chemical drinks to commit suicide.
Isn’t this way is better to memorize? And more important, it can remain in mind longer.
This is one of the ways to memorize. There are others ways like mnemonic.
Well, most of the people might say, it’s totally wasting of time to learn of a way to memorize things. And it’s also wasting of the time in analysis the words to create the system of memorizing. Yes, it is, but, it can stay with you longer, don’t it is better? Moreover, don’t say about one word, don’t say about 25 words, say about 5 thousands word given to you to memorize in one day. Is that tough? Even you can remember today, out of 5 thousands, how much can you remember in the second day? I believe not much. But using the ‘special way’ to memorize it, you might able to remember all the 5 thousands word, FOREVER.
Talk about mathematic
When you are given 53x29, you may count like that, right?
But there is other ways of counting, for example...
The second way might seem to be more complicated.
However, what if you meet the question like, 5435652 x 241354 = ?
By using the traditional way, you need a very long paper to finish it. But by using the second method you need to have 3 line ONLY.
The time to practise the second method is long. Again, some might say that it's a waste of time. However, in long run, after you really master it, you can make calculation without any calculator. It will worth it!
There is one people who is in the world record which his brain is faster than calculator. Is that cool?
What I am trying to say is, we have to be creative. We shouldn't stuck in traditional way. We should break through the traditional, create our own method, our own system. It can increase our efficiency by a lot.
Why we see there are some people who are just studying very little, but yet, score a better result than those who study day and night. They have the method, even they might not realize it, but they actually have a set of subconscious method.